Wednesday, November 4, 2009

FR 18 Seeing the matrix!

2 week focus- Opening, transitioning, plowing

Daily challenge
7+ approaches(Direct or plow)
6+ plows
2+ close attempts

Inner voice- Today I learned some very valuable leassons, and I can say for the 1st time I was able to take a closer peek into PUA land. I hung out with Southern style, and Live forever in george town. Then later at night in mc faddens. From the moment I set foot outside the station, I felt different than usual. Suddenly I noticed what that feeling was. As I started doing approaches, It felt like I had a guru behind my ear telling me what to do. I could see the social dynamics as clear as water. The rest of my day went great. This FR is complicated and hard to explain because most of my acomplishments were not external but rather from within, which lead to external acomplishments as well.

Southern style/A heros victory- Up to date Southern style hasn't shown any external progress, but every time I go out, hes there. Even when he can't approach, I can see the warrior within him attempting to break the same chains that have held us prisoners and miserable our whole lives. the chains we all must destroy in order to achieve anything. I knew the day would soon come when he would finally break the chains of silence. Today, he rose up to the challenge, and while he was terrified and shaking, he still approached, and showed AA he was no longer going to be submissive to it. he even close attempted. but I don't wanna spoil it too much. let his FR speak for him instead. This showed me clearly the differerence between us and chode land. Its not the skills that make the PUAs great. It's the pain we're willing to endure in order to force life to give us what we seek.

Todays Completion list
Approaches 13 estimate(10 directs)^
plows- 11 estimate^
close attemps- 5^
closes- 4(4 solids)^

Highlights(leassons learned will be in parenthesis like this)

HB 8.5 moving target- I was walking and saw this really cute asian. Team suicide pushed me to open so I cought up to her and used my regular suicide openers, but this time I engraved some cold reads, as well as my body language to prove my points more vividly. She reacted well but was rather shy. she started asking typical interview questions but I couldn't tell if she was just being polite, or was straight up shy. I still went for the close, and by the speed in which she gave me her number I noticed her interest level was actually very high(Cold reading is such an easy way to build rapport)

My battery is pretty much dead. I'll have to show the rest of the highlights in another post

Seeing the matrix/overall leassons learned
The best way to get anyone to open to you is talking about anything that has to do with them. thats why my best opener lately has been cold reading their mood and calling them out on it. followed by a cold read trnsition about their ppersonality.
best way to build rapport is to find out what their into and bring up what ever knowlege you have on the subject as well as personal opinions about it(make sure you're honest about it)Getting them to talk about stuff they are knowlegeable in is great because you learn more and it makes your interaction much more solid
Playful Vibe gives you the key to saying anything you want and getting away with it

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