Milestone 2- consistent # solid # closes
Daily challenge
7+ approaches(Direct or plow)
6+ plows
2+ close attempts
Bitter sweet victory- This was by far my best/worst day since I started doing this.Best day- This was my best day for a number of reasons. 1st of all, I learned more about pick up, and my self today, than I have since I started doing this. I had the privilege of meeting many members of this comunity who I look up to and highliy admire. I got to go in field with them and even got to wing one of them. amazing guys like, mr B, Dave,Wolf howls, and many more awesome comunity members. I had the privilege and oportunity to meet and help other really cool comunity members. I watched with my very own eyes how my suicide crew members all broke barriers and watched how their game reached greater levels. I also believe this day was specially good for building an even stronger bond and friendship with our crew. Not to mention with the comunitys help I was able to take my game to the next level.
Worst day- My game was horrible today. ever since college park I got shut down by every single chick. later at the venues I had nothing but chode game. This day to me was emotionally destructive. I had the most embarrassing and humiliating moments I've had in a long time. I realized how weak

Todays completion list
total approaches- 37(approximately)(32 directs)
plows 34
close attempts-1
Highlights(leassons learned will be in parenthesis like this)
HB 8 bar- I walked up to her and opened her with the you're really cute line. she says to me "Oh I remember you" (I had all ready approached her that same night. It was sooo fucking embarrassing)(if unsure use a more neutral line like hey)
hb6 slap- Dave told me to use a really corny line on this chick so I went for it. she was super drunk, I really didn't feel like approaching her, but Dave is awesome and I couldn't miss this oportunity. She couldn't hear me no matter how loud I was cuz she was wasted. suddenly out of nowhere the bitch fucking slaps me in the face. I was pissed off and embarrassed but I managed to keep my cool. then he instructed I reopen her again. and I did. she actually still responded but she was sooo fucking wasted and I was so anoyed that I said "ugh you're wasted" and ejected(Believe it or not. shit like this helps destroy your ego which makes you much humbler and stronger)
3set hb9s- I oppened the hottest set in public bar. It was 2 chicks and a dude. the dude kinda disaproved of me but didn't really try to cock block me. I hooked with 1 of them and kinoed a little bit. then I ejected.(You can kino much more than you think in night environments. It takes the same material, and you practice the same stuff, so if your going to go through hell for this, might as well go for the hottest sets)
My 1st almost makeout- I was pushing Southern style to pull a chick away from a dude. he did, but to my surprise the douchebag set me up by saying I was really shy and wanted to talk to her lol. I had no choice but to game her. Live forever was determined to get me a makeout so he was on my ass about kinoing more. he even did a demo for me on this hot hired gun. I kinoed this chick much more and hughed her, and caresed her hair etc. but then I said I wanna kiss you(lol fucked it up I know) she said she didn't know me well enough. I said, well lets get to know each other better, but my comfort game was horrible. I attempted 3 times, and she kept saying the same thing, and I kept fucking up the comfort game until she said, I'll be back wait for me here. I knew this was her way of ejecting so I let her go.(kino makes all the diffence when it comes to increasing sexual tension)
Almost make out 2- as I'm walking back, I spot this tall hb. Shes with her bf but she still makes eye contact with me, and smiles. I pull her from the bf, and chat her up. again Following live forevers advice, I kino much more. And almost get a makeout but she starts mentioning her bf being there. I don't know how to handle that and decide not to go for it. as I'm saying bye to her she kisses me in the cheek.(The way to learn kino is like everything else. kino excessively, and get shut down till you find the perfect balance. It's better to over kino than to under kino)
4 set- I opened a 4 set. got their attention for a few seconds, then I went into chode interview mode, and lost the group(must tease and I need to work on my attraction material. with fun playful tone, you can get away with anything)
Metro pick up- On my way back home. I sit next to this chick. Chat her up. build comfort and # close her.(Day game and night game are very different)
Revealed advantages
Approaching machine.
decent opening.
Revealed stiching points
Kino very weak
need attraction material.
must spike up conversations
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