Sunday, November 1, 2009

FR 15 chode mode

This is basically an overview of the times I wen't out during my off duty days

Thursday- I hung out with southern style, Zero and sonic. Thinking since I all ready did loads of day direct approaches, I got this bagged all ready. AA comes back and whoops the living hell outta me. that day I felt like crap, couldn't approach much, and when I did, I ejected right away. Southern style, pushed me to sets, motivated me and went through hell just to help me out. Awsome dude

Friday- I hung out with Fidemus, and Jdubs. My AA was somewhat high but I was still able to approach. As I did approaches, Jdubs kept giving me awsome feedback. and made me think about alot. 1 # close(weak)

Halloween night- Hung out with fidemus, Because of misscomunication, I couldn't gather the rest of the crew. We 1st went to cafe citron, then to adams morgan. While in adams morgan, we got lost in the shuffle and couldn't stay in touch. I got outta work late and wasn't in the mood to talk but I still pushed my self to a couple sets. 1 #(solid)

-My AA has reached a mild state during night game. much better than having to use alcohol.
-My AA is almost none existant during daygame
- Due to reduced AA almost every set opens well. I very rarely get shut down.
-My newfound social intuition helps me gage my targets interest and allows me to act accordingly

Sticking points
-My follow up game is horrible, I tend to go into chode interview mode
-My phone game anxiety is up the fucking roof, which makes my day 2s pretty impossible.
-My conversational skills need some serious work
-need to lock in
-I can still be timid about opening during night. Need to be way more commanding- need to tease girls during the night

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