1st Focus goal- Bringing AA to a manageable level
New 2 week focus- Opening/transitioning/plowing successfully
New Daily challenge(starting on nov)7+ approaches(Direct or plow)
6+ plows
2+ close attempts
Starting Date- November 1sr 2009
Sparking the flame- Today I wasn't feeling the pua spirit, but since it was the 1st drill day, I had no choice. I met up with Southern style, and Wolf howls in the mall. These guys supported me and gave me pointers, which helped me approach. I pretty much kept getting shut down and my AA was high again. I soon warmed up and had 1 good interaction compared to all the bad ones.
Feeding the fire- I left for work and later met up with Southern style and Wolf at a high energy High value venue. Most Women here were with dudes and were very high Value women. When I walked in, I saw 2 HOT asian chicks in the middle of the dancefloor. and They seemed so out of reach and in their zone that I was terrified. after much pondering I did a hit and run on them. Suddenly when I came back with Wolf, he insisted that I reopen them. I reopened them Twice even though they werent receptive in the begginig. With his advice and similar challenges he imposed on me. I reached a new level of freedom and new level of BALLS.
Unstoppable wildfire- After these challenges, my energy skyrocketted, and most of the girls here seemed to be out of my league, at least my limitting beliefs kept telling me that, but with my new found courage, and high energy level, I began doing crazy approaches that if it weren't for my awsome wingmen Wolf howls(amazing coach), and Southern style(awsome friend) I would have never dared to approach. I learned new lessons and my old Unwavering spirit was restored. Make sure you read the highlights in this FR. they're the main content in this FR.
Total approaches- 10(9 directs)^
Plows- 9^
close attempts-1*
Highlights(Leassons learned will be in parenthesis like this)
Asian 2 set SHBs- This is the set I was talking about. After timidly approaching while there was a multitude of people focused on them, and ejecting imediately(They reacted neutral), Wolf howls insisted that I go back and try this time by forcefully turning them towards me and saying something cocky. I tried a second time, but my pull was timid and my voice not high enough(they completely ignored me). He insisted I go back and make it more forceful. the third time they told me they had bfs but were much more receptive and open. they even smiled(Being dominant both with voice and kino is the only way to lock into a set)
HB 8 Pull- This girl was talking with a guy, and Wolf instructed I pull her away from him. I was terrified, but Wolf kept pumping me up. It was time to unleash Vicious. I pulled her away from the dude. She was neutral and went back to talking to the guy shortly after talking to me. This gave me a glance of what was possible with a nice set of balls(This is what makes the difference between us and Average chodes)
HB 8.5 VIP girl- This chick seemed to have very high social value, and was with 2 high value dudes. Wolf even admitted that that set was alittle tough on him as well. After agonizing fear I walked up to her and did the forceful pull wolf showed me, and said "You have the hottest style in here" she totally focused on me and stopped talking to the 2 dudes. We chit chatted, and I ran outta convo and ejected.(Do not let the dudes intimidate you, and go over their heads. such confidence can have massive rewards, and most of the time they don't do anything)
Hired gun HB 9- In wolfs eyes, shes an 8, In mine shes a 9. This was a very hot Dancer girl who also happened to dance extremely well. Everyone was staring at her, and cameramen kept taking pictures of her. I decided that I couldn't leave without approaching her. This seemed way too farfetched, but the thought of approaching something like that, in that context to me would mean a new conquest. My ambition got the best of me. while she was dancing I kept making eye contact with her, and when I saw the chance I made her come to me and mentioned how impressed I was by her danc

Way more balls
None verbals are stronger
More social intuitionMy opening is better
New found skill- opening forcefully
Sticking points
locking in
Kiss anxiety
After direct opening its better to use coldreads, than to go into chode interview mode
Guessing peoples emotional state, and figuring out why is an awsome way to build rapport and get people to open upTurning people towards you when opening is such a powerful way to lock a set
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