- Conversation skills, Sexual fear, Smile
being able to stay in sets long, Having the ability to build common rapport with people in general, Being comfortable enough touching women and setting sexual frames to have consistant makeout attempts, Having a compelling nonthreatening smile.

Daily challenge
30+ minutes of conversation practice/study
5+ conversations of atleast 1 minute with random women
5+ minutes smile practice
2+ claws(Wrapping my arm around girls necks)
Believing is seeing- So everybody says seeing is believing, but What I learned is that believing in something, without seeing it, leads to ultimately seeing it. So far I've had this strong belief in what I want. I've struggled in Jersey for a long time, without a single result. I've always wanted to have awesome friends, and to be good with chicks. I've always wanted to open up to people. All these dreams I've had seemed out of reach, and now that I'm watching them unfold before me, I get this amazing feeling I can't descrive to you.
Lucky bar breakthrough- It was the typical Suicide crew, but I felt different than usual. I was "in the moment" Suddenly I no longer had to worry about what to say how to open. Before getting in that state, I had all ready opened but they weren't going well. I recollected my self, closed my eyes and got in tune with the music. Before I knew it I had massive energy. In my last FR I managed to kino even though, none of them were attracted to me. This intenalized in my head that kino wasn't a big deal. I was able to escalate every set after that with ease, I got my 1st makeout since I've been here, and what would have been my 2nd, but her friend pulled her away. Suddenly interactions seemed easy and predictable. I was dazzled by my new found power.
Remaking new friends- after this whole wealth of knowledge I had aquired at lucky bar, I met up with David, Wolf howls, Mr B, Julian and Ari. Although there were some difference among some PUAs, Everyone has been very nice to me, I've learned alot from my Suicide crew and all these guys. They took me in and gave me advice on various subjects. They also told me some of their adventures. although I had previously met these guys, I really got to know them better this time.
Highlights(leassons learned will be in parenthesis like this)
HB7 makeout- I came in high energy and started dancing with her. I moved her around and spun her all over the place. Then I said, "omg I love your energy, ready to get dizzy?" and started spining her really fast. I hughed her, and looked her in the eye, then I gave her a little peck. she complied, so I went in for the makeout. after making out, she responded "you're so bad, you're gonna get me in trouble with my boss" we made out again, then she said "wait my boss is near" I should have isolated to somewhere else but I forgot to do it, then I said, have you ever tried the rico suave kiss(Live forever's line) I put her on my arms and made out with her again.(a great way to get the makeout is to start invading her space, if she lets you, go for the makeout)
HB7.5 almost makeout/ cockblock battle- I tried this energy charged opener again, samething happened. she then asked me if I knew salsa(I totally suck at dancing so you guys can pull it off) I thaught her some very basic moves, suddenly I spot the cockblock friend's hand trying to grab her, I turn my target and block the cockblock lol with my back. After alittle the cockblock seems to have disapeared. I dance her a little more, and just when we're about to makeout, the cockblocking hand of doom pulls her seconds before the makeout.(Getting hyped up about the music even if it sucks, is a great way to get in state, once in state, barge right in and lead the girl)
I opened every other set in a similar way and they went similarly
Overall leassons learned
Invading her space- after hooking a set, get closer and closer to her face, or the side of her face as you're building rapport, If she doesn

dancing opener- awesome opener, scream and sing along if you know the lyrycs. come into a set while dancing(do NOT creep up from behing them, don't come in half assed) make eye contact with target while smiling and grab her hand and spin her around. everytime I've done this with energy it hooks, even in big sets
Revealed sticking points
Creeper- Considering I can rarely hook a set during nightgame through talking, I have to work on how I actually open since I tend to creep them out sometimes, this is even when I'm spontaneous about approaching.
Hooking sets/Voice projection- I need to learn to speak from my dyaphram cuz I have a hard time talking loud or and usually have to lean in(you can lean in after hooking sets, but it looks really creepy while opening)
Conversation during night game- After opening, I have a hard time sparking up exciting conversation, and I either go in interview mode or say value taking stuff
Total claws- 3
makeout attempts- 1
makeouts- 1
Total 1+ min. conversations- 5
total conversation practice- 28 mins
total smile practice- 0 mins
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