Monday, January 25, 2010

Suicide crew members profiles!

Meeting- So The suicide crew decided to hold a meeting in order to start applying the system. There were some disputes and dissagreements, thanks to this we really got to know our selve on a deeper level. The purpose of the meeting was to identify everyone's strengths and weaknesses, and keep track of our progress, as well as making our sarges much more effective, While holding each other more accountable

Personality profile- this profile is based on 3 fundamental stages

Value- This is a list of traits of abilities that make the particular member useful to the suicide crew

Qualities- this is their level of game, and particual skillset in field

Sticking points- This involves their strongest sticking points in field, as well as their negative behavior patters which prevent them from progressing

Southern style

Resources- Has weels, a nice place, money, etc
Friendliest vibe- by far the most likeable suicide member
Theory- Has a mental guide as far as game goes
Consistency- Consistently goes out no matter how he feels
good motivator- consistently puts people in good state
Connector- amazing ability to draw. and introduce people to the crew
Loves and can connect with people

Hooks sets very well
Very high energy when in state
Creates massive attraction

Sticking points
AA- member with the Highest Social fear
Ejects early- hates getting shut down, prematurely ends sets
Not accountable- Loses focus and tends to give up when in despair
Winging- Very little winging experience
Fast tonality- Tends to speak really fast when nervous
Lack of motivation- again, gives up when his state is down
Lack of self belief- Needs to work on his inner game


Connector- Again, knows many capeable people, consistently introduces you to high value individuals

Good tour guide- Probably the best source to go to for setting advice.

Very active forum member- tends to be the face of suicide crew and 1 of the best known members

Plows well- Knows how to lead a conversation
Iso- very good at iso
Bounce- consistently bounces target to different locations
Text game- consistent dates through texting

Sticking points
Social fear, AA- Worries too much about what people think
Voice tonality- Consistently repeats him self, sounds insecure
Kino- Very high sexual fear, rarely kinoes sexually
Energy-Too serious, has low energy at times
Nervous body language
Accountability- Refuses to listen to advice, refuses to be pushed at times, doesn't like to be accountable for much.

Live forever

Most Experienced- Huge learning potential with his due to his vast field experience

Knows good sarging places- Knows the difference between venues and can adapt well to them

Theory- His vast theory knowledge gives the entire crew a road map

Consistency- 1 of the most consistent members when it comes to sarging

Coaching- Very good at finding sticking points and giving advice

Tonality- very overpowering tonality
Kino- consistent makeouts, very comfortable kinoing
Energy-very magnetic energy that draws people to him
Dominance- Very strong personality, and commanding.
Iso- consistently isos with no problem.

Sticking points
State fluctuations/emotions- is very unstable, and loses composure quickly, makes many emotionally based decitions.

Drinking reliance- very alcohol dependant, has high AA when sober.

Bouncing- rarely bounces chicks to places.

Closing- Doesn't push for the close, and rarely gets it.

Sober day AA- His daygame AA is very high, and has little daygame experience al together.


Funny- funniest member
Resources- weels, money, etc
Positive state- by far most positive suicide crew member
Maturity- most mature member, and very stable, great composure
Good motivator-consistently motivates members
Follow instructions well- keen, and dedicated when in comes to instructions

Consistent opening- This man doesn't know what AA means

Hooking sets- almost always hooks sets, and is very good at creating attraction

Conversations- never runs out of stuff to say, creates very interesting conversations

Sticking points
Iso- Almost never Isos girls
Overall Sexual escalation- big sexual fear, almost never sexually touches targets, of makes sexual comments.

Friend zone- His conversations usually lead to being friendly more then a pick up

Dominance- is not very commanding, has a hard time keeping the frame

No theory knowledge- needs to learn a little game theory to have
somewhat of a road map, and comunicate with other comunity members

Lack of participation- rarely posts on the forums, doesn't keep track of progress, doesn't get involved with people

Vicious wildfire

Leadership- Best leadership skills, and experience, true leader qualities

Self discipline- By far the most self diciplined crew member, great ability to focus on task, and goals, very onganized.

Motivator- great motivator due to his deep understading of people, and by example.

Good learner- very good at applying teachings, and truly internalizing instructions.

Teacher- Due to his vast life experience he is able to articulate, leassons well, and pass them on to others, has the ability to understand his students.

Consistency- Consistently goes and is constantly improving

Consistent opener- probably the most consistent crew member
Energy- very high energy
Balls- ballsiest crew member, great ability to overcome fears.
Day game experience- Most experienced day game member
Number closing- consistent solid number closes

Sticking points
Lack of self belief- Doesn't believe in his ability to game, and this projects in field

Style- needs to improve his style, such as clothing, and hairstyle, etc.

Sexual escalation- Needs to improve his way to escalate, and rarely escalates

Tonality- Very low volume, people hava a hard time hearing.

Conversation- Is not able to hold a conversation very long, rather boring conversations

Set hooking- due to lack of conversations, and tonality has a very hard time hooking sets.

Lack of cultural awareness- Has a hard time relating to people due to lack of cultural awareness, such as current events, hollywood, pop culture, etc

Negative conversations- sometimes shifts conversations to negative subjects

Action plan- Now with these stats we decided to take an action plan, which I will post in a different FR due to lack of time. Have fun picking us appart

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