I had been meaning to meet some of the guys that have been requesting to hang out but for some reason we haven't able to coordinate. The crew split up today I was actually looking forward to today cuz it meant that I was gonna either have to do solo(big sticking point of mine) or I was gonna get to meet some of the guys. Some people hit me up but I could only respond when I was out of work which was very late. Raven was the only one still available since everyone else had all ready done something. I was anxious to meet this guy and a little nervous.
First impressions- I finally met up with him. I'm not gay but this guy was supper good looking! I was like "damn thats cheating" I also noticed he was a very ballsy kid since he moved out here by him self just like I did, and is the type of guy that goes after his dreams. How ever I don't think he was aware of the tremendous potential he has. I was privileged to be assigned with the task of teaching Achillies how to weild a sword!
Teaching the Raven how to fly- We went inside the club. Raven was humble, shy, and just all around a good guy. This kid needed chaos in his life so I basically gave him a talk of our style of game, and how it worked. Everyones biggest obstacle in the begining is social preassure. I noticed that the advice from 99% of the gurus is useless in the beggining at least since we're so socially terrified. It makes you fear the rejection that much more. We started with a series of challenges. while he was giving me textbook challenges(which are useful btw) I was giving him social freedom challenges. At the begining just like every other guy I've met, he questioned it and didn't see the point of doing it. He got really nervous and asked me to perform.
The flight- I started with my usual head opener, and followed by just straight direct or retarded openers. My sets were hooking hard, and I controlled a couple of groups. he was amazed. He was also not used to sober game, so the 1st rule was straight up sober. He followed and began to apply suicide missions. His mind was blown away as to what was possible, and he realized the amazing potential he had. The looks advantage he had, combined with the balls and desire to improve also helped quite alot. We broke just about every social rule in the book and to great success.
Breakdown/victory- By the end of the night he had a bit of a breakdown. He felt extremely acomplished but at the same time, the Social preassure these suicide missions created, took a toll on him. I knew exactly what he was feeling because I felt many of those breakdowns when I had originally started the suicide missions. They kinda make you realize how shy you really are. and how long a road it is, but at the same time the speed at which you progress is amazing! As we retrieved our coats and he was feeling a little down, he opened a chick standing next to him. and with absolute honesty tells her hes shy and that he wants to meet people. The chick of course hooks, forces her number on him and starts kissing him. He had a huge feeling of acomplishment, and so did I. Knowing that I had the oportunity to pass something unto someone and watch it immediately completely shatter their weak reality and change their world for good. It was an undescribable feeling!
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