Suicidal crew- First I went out with Superman, southern style, and Live forever. Although my focus lately has been escalating as opposed to suicides, I decided to roll with it today so Live forever, and Southern style could have something to fall back out. Southern style wasn't in state, which is ok since we all have those disgusting days, and day game is much tougher to recover from when you're not in state. Live forever went in hyper mode and started doing crazy approaches. Superman coached them alittle bit. and I was the guineapig LOL.
Gathering the elite- It was Supermans birthday, and he invited the whole crew. We sat down, watched the game and had dinner. I got to chat with Wolf howls, Fidemus, Live forever, Jdubs, Zero, Southern style, Superman of course, and later Sonic, and many more comunity members
Comunity action- I was so freaking excited, I got to know the comunity members on a more personal level, and I got to see them tearing up venues. Litterally my eyes couldn't focus cuz there were comunity members everywhere picking up women. I wall flowered my self for a while just so I can learn fr

Highlights(leassons learned will be in parenthesis like this)
Jelousy plotline- After watching them go, it was my turn to do some venue tearing of my own. I kept approaching chicks but for some reason my conversational skills weren't sharp today. Thats when I remembered the old Vicious days. I opened sets and made small talk, and then used them to gain social proof. Once I hit the downstairs There was a spanish HB8 who I had previously opened, and an hb6. The hb6 had all ready given me her number, and I spiked her attraction by palm reading. Once they were both there, They started compeeting for my attention, and I started reading both their palms. I danced with one then the other one. I wanted the spanish one so we started hughing, she tried to make me hold her drink and I drank it Then she kissed me in the cheek 3 times and I still bitched out and didn't go for the makeout I'm still super pissed(Opening many sets and leaving them open to come back to them is very easy and powerful cuz they social proof you. now they do all the hard work, not you)
Accidental cockblock- I saw this guy talking to possibly the hottest girl in the venue. Since I still have AA during the night, I decided to be balsy and cockblock the guy. I walk up to him and say, are you guys going out? he says no. and I hit on the girl, only to find out later that he was a comunity member in training session. I felt like such a douchebag. so I walked up to him and apologised.(Being balsy can have consecuences lol but in the end it pays off)
HB8- I approached this asian chick walking down the street. she reacted friendly but not attracted. later on she seemed more attracted but I didn't go for the # close(I think the reason why I'm having a hard time closing is because I'm failing to qualify. this is something I need to work on)
HB9 Make up artist- This girl was very intimidating, and since no one wanted to do the dirty work, I decided to be the guineapig once again. It went well, I talked to her for a while, when I tried to close, she said she had a BF, I still plowed, and after 3 more plow attempts, I ejected(Once again, I need to work on my qualifiers, Approaching hot chicks makes you more selective, and thus better with women)
Questions- How do I escalate sexual tension effectively? please give me details and examples, I'll really apreciate it. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my posts
Total approaches- 20(aproximately)(19 directs)
Plows- 18(aprox)
# close attempts- 4 # closes- 2