Live Forever and his best friend who appears to be his 1st wing man are meeting up. Live Forever has been wanting to introduce him to the Suicide crew. Zafer is recovdered (he was sick) and ready for action. I walk out to the Patio full of snow and kinda dark. I see sillhuetes but they seem familiar. It turns out to be Biggie smalls. I'm happy to see all these PUAs back in action, though we all agree that this place is very hard to game unless you're a good dancer. The music is loud and everybody is dancing.
Vicious Signature Openers!
-Greeting Opener- This is a very high energy opener which is very effective for generating receptiveness.
-Head Opener- This is a very fun creative opener that instantly creates massive attraction, and quickly establishes kino, as well as compliance.
-Face Opener- This opener is a guaranteed blowout. I've gotten the worst blowouts with this opener which is great for building courage
-Dancing opener- Best for building kino and good for dance floor game.
-Mood Cold read- This one is great for breaking the ice with bitchy, or moody chicks, and making them qualify them selves
Project Suicide- I hang out with Biggie smalls, and we give each other challenges. Although I don't usually agree with a lot of canned game, biggie smalls is a very impressive guy. He fights hard, and has balls. I had previously opened a 2 set. As they're walking outside Live forever, and Biggie smalls reopen them, to good success. Things are going great, but I notice that Biggie smalls can be outcome dependant. as you all know this feeling can be a plague in PUA progress. His next task is to get blown out 5 times, But this can be very tough when you're not used to blow outs. The best way to encourage someone is through example. I spot a chick I had previously opened and hooked, whos now in a 5set. I figured this would be the most dramatic blow out so I go in with My Face opener. They get creeped out and start lashing at me.
HBs- Go, Just leave, we don't want you here, go away, etc.
It was weird how incredibly unreactive, and unaffected I was. While they're lashing at me, I'm laughing and talking to Biggie smallz. Showing him how its really not a big deal. Biggie smallz wasn't able to complete his task, but I'm hoping he got something out of this experience.
The power of high energy!- The whole crew forgets about targets for a second, and we truly enjoy our company, our energy is up the roof, and we're dancing and Jumping. We are litterally the life of the party. Suddenly I turn around, and notice we hooked a 5 set just through our energy, Whats even more amazing, it turned out to be the set that had blown me out 5 minutes ago!
Project Kino Suicide- Live forever and I decide to work on Kino, and its been my experience that its always better to go overboard, and then come back to normal levels so my next task was to over escalate until I got blown out or shut down
Target 1- I spot a hot woman leaning against a wall. I go in and shes receptive, then I grab her neck and pull her towards me. She gets a little defensive but still doesn't fully shut me down, so this time I put my arm on her back, and caress her head, to which she shuts me down.
Target 2- I had Previously opened a cutie, and she was interested but it was a somewhat friendly conversation and you guys know what that means. Live Forever goes for her friend, and begins to Over escalate hard core. Kisses her on the cheek, touches her everywhere, etc. My target tries to push him away from her, at this very same time I begin to overescalate her, LOL as expected, she gets pissed off, and reads me the right act.
HB- I like you I think you're nice, but you shouldn't be touching women like that, you're not gonna get anywhere with them. That stuff doesn't work on me, blah, blah, blah.
If she only knew she was part of an experiment she'd be even more pissed off lol.
Project Conversation- I decide to switch back to conversations. I open a few sets, but I'm not hooking them.
Target 1- as I'm walking towards the Patio, I spot a lonewolf standing by the wall. I use my mood cold read opener. She hooks. We talk about traveling and I make her qualify a little. After a while of talking she Isos me. grrr I always forget to Iso. I chat some more, and go for the kill. She denies the number. I could have pushed it but I also wasn't as interested in her so I didn't bother.
Target 2- I see a cutie walking towards the exit. I use my Head opener, followed by mood cold read. She hooks. We talk some more, and she Isos me yet again (OMG I'm so pissed at my self cuz I always forget to iso) I kino a littlebit, and Qualify. Its late, I'm tired so I try to dance with her, but I'm too worn out, and quickly run outta gas. She laughs, I go for the kill and she complies.
Immunity!- Live Forever seems to have risen to a whole new level. Hes not the same guy he was last month. He seems to have this huge shield that prevents anything from affecting him, which in turn makes his game killler. Little did I know that I developed the same shield in a smaller extent. I opened a few more sets after that and we decided to call it a night. I went home pondering all this.
Revealed lessons
-Even more proof that chicks don't reject you, but your opener, its amazing how you can literally walk up to a chick with a bad opener, and she'll shoot you down, and reopen her 5 mins later with a good one, by that I don't mean what you actually open with, but rather your energy etc, and she'll hook.
-Gotta be careful not to fall in the friendly conversation trap, though the chick maybe receptive, and friendly, doesn't mean shes into you, and you might just be wasting your time, so you have to quickly escalate.
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