Lets start by saying this was an epic night for Suicide crew all together. Live forever did some amazing shit! And my game reached a whole new level!
There is free RSD seminar. I'm working so I have to miss it. I meet up with Live forever, and Superman before work. Everyone seems to be in an especially good mood due to the RSD thing. We hit marvin center to grab a bite. As soon as I walk in the building I'm getting massive IOIs from different chicks. Haven't done daygame in a while so I'm choding. While we're sitting in the table theres all these hot women walking around. Although I haven't gone out as consistently lately, I've been heavily studying my game, and working on sticking points, through drills and self made systems. I know its going to be time to pull the trigger at some point. This nervous excited feeling takes over. We finish eatting and suddenly the hottest chick in the building shows up. Easily a 9. I shortly make eye contact and she IOIs me. I'm nervous, and I know its time to go. She walks and stops right in front of us, and seems to be waiting for her friend(oh crap, It must be destiny lol) while shes staring directly at our table, I get up and start walking against my will. Make some more eye contact
Vicious- Hey(Confident tone and smile)
HB9-Hey(receptive tone)
Vicious-I like your style(Dominant friendly vibe)
HB9-(receptive attracted) Thank you so much
I Use my tension release and build some comfort, Suddenly her friend shows up(I kno whats next.) After some more banter and introducing my self to the friend, I go in for the kill. She denies me(friend was a passive cockblocker)
Although I didn't get the number, Just the fact that I'm able to approach and attract a rich very hot woman, shows me my improvement. I know its gonna be a great day. We practice guitar and I head to work shortly after that.
My boss meets Vicious!- I'm at work and Suddenly these 2 really hot women show up. My boss is choding, and very attracted to these 2 girls. I never approach at work so to me this is beyond the Vicious capacity. My boss goes and weakly attempts to talk to them but hes got a submissive tonality. He comes back
Vicious- Have you ever heard about Vicious?
Vicious- You ever heard about Vicious?
Boss-Huh? no.
Vicious- You're about to meet Vicious.
Boss gives me a comfused look, I'm shitting my pants but I start walking towards them. I look like crap and have a shitty uniform.
Vicious(I arrive at their table and wait for them to finish talking)- Hey whats up
HB blonde- Hey
Vicious- Well you all ready know you're hot, And you all ready know I came here to hit on you. And yea I also like your style
HB blonde(Surprised receptive look)- Oh thank you! Yea I worked hard on this style
I banter some more after that, and the friend is not digging me(should have engaged her better) I go for the kill, and the same as the 1st one. Gives me an excuse and I'm not able to close her. this nervous happy laughter takes over. I've only done 2 approaches today, but being able to attract women that hot is new to me.
Shattered reality!- I'm done working and anxious to meet some guys and sarge. I meet up with Southern style, Live forever, and an RSD dude. This guy is chubby and not very good looking, and style is also not the sharpest but he seems very confident. Live forever, and Southern style say good things about him. I'm skeptical but very curious. So far 1 big sticking point of mine is when I'm out of state, its very hard for me to get in state, unless I drink which to me is not an option. This seems to happen to me particularly when I'm in this particulare venue. I still approach, but as expected, I can't hook for shit. This hb opens me and I bore her to death(not very creative when I'm out of state) I approach some more, and the night seems to be going shitty, but This RSD dude is impressive. He tends to overkino and very unreactive. Little do I know, I'm minutes away from watching the sceene thats totally gonna change the way I look at game and completely shatter my reality. I approach some more to no success. Suddenly as we're walking out. I spot a hot 2set(you can clearly tell their snubby and bitchy)Immediately I see this dude going for the kill(Oh crap he's about to get chewed out) He grabs them by the butt and hughs them very hard, while pushing them towards each other(they look like they're ready to kill him) this dude completely dominates them and tells them to kiss each other. They comply. Before they even have a chance to shoot him down, He grabs one of them and completely stripps her away from her friend and starts kissing her. They start laughing! Within 1 minute I withnessed these girls go from totally hating him to completely giving up to him!! My mouth is open! Amazing!
Next level game- I learned a big leasson from this guy. He showed me how weak, and pussyfooty my game really was. I couln't get this immage away from my mind. He suddenly says "brad from RSD just texted me, lets go wing him" We're all excited and as we're on our way, Southern style forgets to close out his tab. I go back with him and miss out on winging Brad. Live forever and him meet up with Brad, and Live forever does something amazing! but I'll let him tell you him self through his FR. On my end of the deal however, I'm stuck in the same place and my energy level still low, and that image runs through my mind over and over. Suddenly Something overcomes me, and I spot a 5set sitting by the bar. I grab 1 of the chicks while shes sitting un the stools and yank her away from her friends, and start heavily cavemaning her. Litterally I toss her and pull her and dance with her. She starts laughing(Very familiar reaction to the other snubbs) The friends are impressed, and I suddenly start pulling them all away from their chairs and dancing them all at the same time. I kiss my target, and dance her around some more. All I kno about this chick is her name. We have said almost nothing to each other. Within seconds I was in a killer state. Finally the antidote a very tough sticking point! Another even hotter friend joins them. I start hitting on her and she diggs it. My target cockblocks me since shes pissed for some reason. I eject shortly after that. The same chick that cockblocked me was the 1st one to follow up game me(this usually never happens, so it was a big deal) The massive levels of attraction dominance can create are amazing!
The road to success- We left to Southern style's place since it was late. Southern style, Live forever, and I talk till the morning and observe how our lives are transforming, and looking into the future 2010 holds for us. Big epiphanies for all, and awesome friendships.
Revealed sticking points
Not aggressive enough
In conversations I can either do C&F and other attraction skills to great success or I can connect deeply, but I have a very hard time having a mix of both at the same time which is essential for hooking sets
Still need cultural awareness
2 Huge revealed lessons
The Boundaries of whats acceptable are so much further than we think. as long as you believe in it
My way of immediately getting in state is to completely dominate and caveman a chick
Over all lessons
Finally found my game style according to my personality- Its wild, rough and extreme. Must be completely dominant other wise they don't bite.
Deveping listening skills is one of the best ways to improve your game.
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