LOL I gotta say this is 1 of the funnest FRs I've had. I got outta work and as usual. I tend to be a little tired when I just get off work. I met up with Jdubbs, and Raven. It was 1 of those hard days where you really struggle. I was opening but again. wasn't hooking. chicks were interested but they would quickly get bored, unless I cavemaned them. As the night went on I was getting more and more tired. I was ready to call it a night.
Cockblocking duel- Jdubbs kept insisting that I stay for longer. I felt like a chump if I didn't stay but I was so out of it. I stayed. Opened a couple more sets. Then as we're talking, We spot a very attractive 2set dancing by themselves with the bitchy look. As its been my experience with these types of sets, they usually go there to see how many people they can shoot down, So I knew they were gonna be tuff nuts to crack. I decide to go attempt. Right when I'm about to touch them and open my mouth, This random drunk chode tries to grind up on them. They blow him out. Right in front of my face(Great. What an incentive to approach) I wait a couple of minutes. As I'm about to approach again, the douche shows up outta nowhere, yet again (must have a cockblocking radar or some shit!) I had no choice, as they're chewing him out, I go in with my signature opener(its great for putting them in a receptive mood) They open well(Sigh) Jdubbs Wings me, We start to hook. But mr drunk chode comes back yet AGAIN! ugh. He's hitting on the friend, but my target is still distracted my him, suddenly their friends see them(they were part of a big group) And the 1st thing they see is 3 dudes "hitting on them" and they pull them away. Ugh thanks alot douchebag!
MIssion impossible!- So we chat some more. Raven had met up with a chick earlier that night and he's trying to get her to come out. He calls her and shes on her way. but shes not alone. Comes with the respective not too attractive friend aka the granade!
-Take them to Ravens appartment
-Separate the granade
-Raven to close target!
War hero- They finally show up and Someone HAS to take the granade. Jdubbs absolutely refuses. Raven practically begs me to take the granade. Damn, this sucks. After a while, I decide to take the granade. Raven bounces the target. I iso granade, and run monologue. She takes pictures, etc. They close the place down and its the moment of truth. I get nervous. My mission is officially to bounce the granade out of the appartment. We head down, and I'm planing how I'm gonna pull this off.
Puppet master- We arrive at the appartment. As you all know I'm not a very conversational guy but lucky for me, Jdubbs is amazingly good at this. He can run monologue and keep people interested for EVER. He quickly controls the setting, and engages granade. I step back and watch. Meanwhile Raven sits next to target on the bed`and slowly what was a group conversation turns into 2 different social events. Its time we take the granade. Jdubbs keeps runing monologue. Times flying and we still can't take granade away. Raven gets impatient.
War Hero/ Puppet master teamwork- It turns out the granade is Muslim and strongly believes in sex after marriage. This poses 2 problems. shes gonna be hard to game, and shes going to be actively cockblocking Raven. Finally after a While its time I get the job done.
Vicious- Guys, I'm kinda hungry! is there anything to eat nearby?
Jdubbs- hmmm oh yea I think julias is open
Granade(reluctant to go)- At this hour?
They talk some more, and I'm like "I'm really hungry!" Finally granade mentions a 24/7 kramers. Jdubbs pulls up the map and I start walking towards the door. The granade turns to the target and says "We're gonna grab a bite we'll be back" The target really likes Raven so she doesn't wanna be alone with him so the target insists on coming with us. Jdubbs does a great Job at convincing them "Its litterally 2 blocks away we'll be right back" I realize that If I leave it up to granade and target the mission gets screwd up so I turn to raven
Vicious- You wanna come dude?
Raven- No I'm pretty tired, gotta get up early tomorrow
Target- I'll go I'm hungry
Vicious(to Raven)- Oh so you are coming?
Raven- Just go ahead of us guys, we'll catch up to you(the we'll catch up to you part was genious!)
Buying time- So we head to kramers. Motherfuckers have the most expensive meals! and I'm broke as hell! And I can't even back down because "I'm hungry" So I order a meal, and watch Jdubbs run monologue again. His ability is amazing!. Granade how ever still insists on cockblocking so she begins to text target, and tries to call her. Jdubbs somewhat successfully distracts her. the chick is LOVING Jdubbs. After a while of back and forth spiked up banter, its time to go back, We finally head back after about 1.5 hours. On our way back home all the crazy stuff I learned keeps running through my mind. Once I arrive, the 1st thing I do is pull out my laptop and desperately begin to take notes of all I learned. In the end Raven couldn't fully F-close her, but he did get to know her better, made out with her, and shes anxious to see him!
Revealed lessons
-A little antagonism can definetly go a long way as far as hooking sets go
-A great way to escalate, boounce, iso etc, chicks is to distract them with good monologue. This is key because it makes things happen "naturally"
Revealed sticking points
- When people give me conversational threads I don't know what to do with them
- In group gatherings I don't have a strong enough pressence to control or captivate people. I'm sworta always the obscure guy in the background people have to make an effort to include in the conversations(Still have yet to figure out how to change this)
-I'm not good at extracting info out of people so it makes it harder to build a bond
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